When I finally settled on my allotment plan three years ago (here is an updated version) I earmarked a space for a shed. It felt like the right place for it, on the south boundary to not cause shade for my neighbour and slightly in the shade of a tree anyway. Since that day I’ve quietly gone about growing everything around it but I never had the pennies to make it happen. Until now!

I’ve been saving up slowly, which is harder said than done while running a start-up landscape garden design studio. However, I was halfway and then in November, my parents very generously gave me the rest of the money for my birthday (and Christmas). Well, just look at how happy I am to finally have it on the plot.

It’s funny building a shed where there wasn’t anything before. After a few hours of toil, out of nowhere there is suddenly a room to stand in with doors and windows to look out of. Sheltered from the wind it felt like I’d suddenly made the allotment home with a proper structure. Of course, sheds don’t just happen.
I could have waited until spring to buy and build the shed but I really wanted somewhere to shelter in the winter, mainly in sudden downpours, so I ordered it before the onset of winter proper. On its way, I then spent two Saturdays visiting construction shops to buy slabs and sharp sand to form a proper base. Julie Penny and Catherine Crouch gave me some great advice about using wire or mesh under the base to stop rats, and Chris Ashcroft advised about wood preserver on the base first to make it last longer. A fellow allotmenteer helped me getting the base totally level and then Chris was my muscles for hire to help construct the shed. This was done over a few days because the shed was delayed arriving by five hours on the first day, arriving in the dark – all we could do was carry it dangerously through the plot and return a week later.

But, with perseverance through the cold damp weather it is now up! And today it was sunny enough for me to start staining it the light grey I’m aiming for. It will need a couple more coats. It’s now watertight and weather proofed though, so staining and tidying up the roof felt I can take my time over. Chris bought be a camping stove and tea flask for Christmas and I can’t wait to have my first cup of tea on the plot! I’m already thinking about growing chillis inside.

Nice. And very practical too when you get a bench in inside the window. Now all you need is a bit of guttering along the back and a convenient water butt. If you haven’t thought of that, do! It’ll be a boon when you need to water! And make the tea when you open your allotment for the NGS. 😉
Good suggestion as always, thank you John I shall look into guttering and water butt 👍 I’m not sure my allotment would qualify for the NGS, full of stuff but too far from perfect!
Always. It’s always fun to see your new projects and feel your excitement. Kudos on doing this – in winter no less. Nice job.
Great shed, Jack. Particularly like the big light-catching sloping window. Is that your design or did it come with the shed? Also liked the (anti rat) wire netting and guttering suggestions.
And how big was the shed you bought?