Today Rumbles was doing cartwheels in the garden trying to catch a fly – the most activity he’s done in months. If that isn’t a sign that spring is on its way, then the plants all creaking into a slow growth is.

Does anyone know what type of Snowdrop this is?

This week I’ve also hard pruned the Buddleja davidii ‘Santana’ and given a very heavy prune to the Choisya – I felt bad doing the Choisya as we’ll miss the flowers and it’s a bit early to do it, but it had seriously outgrown its space.
Plus, moved an Astrantia, dug up some Astrantia seedlings by accident (doh!) and planted out both of the new Clematis. Gave the new Rose ‘Mme Legras de St. Germain’ a sprinkly of Blood, Fish and Bone as it is shooting away now.